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Electrical Physics

  • 54 Adım
  • 2 Katılımcı
Programı tamamlayarak sertifika alın.


Language of Instruction: Arabic Explore the fascinating world of electrical physics in this university-level course designed for first-year engineering students. Delve into the fundamental principles of electricity, magnetism, and circuits through engaging lectures and hands-on experiments. Gain a deep understanding of Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, and electromagnetic fields. Develop essential problem-solving skills and analytical thinking as you tackle complex electrical concepts. Enhance your practical knowledge through laboratory sessions and real-world applications. Prepare for a successful career in electrical engineering with this comprehensive course that lays a strong foundation for your academic journey.

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Grup Tartışması

Bu program bir gruba bağlı. Programa katıldıktan sonra gruba ekleneceksiniz.

Electrical Physics

Electrical Physics

Özel2 Üye


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